This was our old living room area…missing two of the chairs and the ottoman so that we could make room for the insane amount of giant plastic baby toys. While I still do like it, it just wasn’t US.

I still love the old Danish teak style hutch we inherited from Geoff’s grandmother and our imitation Barcelona chairs. But the wall colour has got to go! This is actually something we were planning on doing before the house fell but never had the time. Sure glad we didn’t now!
And these are the rooms that are inspiring me now.

Love the vaulted ceilings and the rafters. Might possibly be doing this in the new place. I just noticed that both these rooms have hanging chairs in them too. We actually already own the chair from the bottom picture….bought it years ago when it was on clearance and never got around to finding a spot for it outside. It’s this one from Ikea.

Love, love, love the white Eames Lounger. Hoping to find a knockoff somewhere at a price that isn’t equivalent to a small car.

I’ve always loved this yellow sideboard from Ikea too.
I’m picturing a big white room with grey and yellow accents. Light flooring…painted wood perhaps? Can’t wait to start shopping!
Love your picture collage. I think white with yellow and grey accents will look great!